



by メモリオン 調査員



クラウドファンディングとは、アイデアを実現するために必要な創作費用を、 そのアイデアに共感した友達・ファン・ソーシャルのつながり、そして世界中の人々から少額ずつ 集めることができるプラットフォームです。









内容 :カードゲーム「クロックワークメモリオン」の商品化プロジェクト
期間 :2018年11月6日(火)~2018年1月14日(月)23:59:59








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Лекарство, пищевые добавки, принадлежности ради пищевой промышленности
СпецТорг предлагает обширный набор товара
СпецТорг лекарство и пищевые добавки дабы мясоперерабатывающей промышленности
СпецТорг СпецТорг технологический капитал для пищевой промышленности
СпецТорг добавки дабы кондитерского производства
СпецТорг оборудование дабы пищевой промышленности
СпецТорг моющие и дезинфицирующие сословие
СпецТорг ножи и заточное обстановка
СпецТорг профессиональный моющий список
Zaltech GmbH (Австрия) – смесь и пищевые добавки дабы мясоперерабатывающей промышленности,
La Minerva (Италия) –хозяйство для пищевой промышленности
Dick (Германия) – ножи и заточное обстановка
Kiilto Clein (Farmos - Финляндия) – моющие и дезинфицирующие имущество
Hill Confrontation (Англия) - профессиональный моющий каталог
Сельскохозяйственное наследие из Белоруссии
Кондитерка - пюре, сиропы, топпинги
Пюре производства компании Agrobar
Сиропы производства Herbarista
Сиропы и топпинги производства Lordly Cane
Топпинги производства Dukatto
Продукты мясопереработки
Добавки для варёных колбас
149230 Докторская
149720 Докторская Мускат
149710 Докторская Кардамон
149240 Любительская
149260 Телячья
149270 Русская
149280 Молочная
149290 Чайная
Cосиски и сардельки
149300 Сосиски Сливочные
149310 Сосисики Любительские
149320 Сосиски Молочные
149330 Сосиски Русские
149350 Сардельки Говяжьи
149360 Сардельки Свиные
Полу- и варено-копченые колбасы
Полу- копченые и варено-копченые колбасы Разнос «ГОСТ-RU»
149430 Сервелат в/к
149420 Московская в/к
149370 Краковская
149380 Украинская
149390 Охотничьи колбаски п/к
149400 Одесская п/к
149410 Таллинская п/к
Деликатесы и ветчины Группа «LUX» 130-200%
«ZALTECH» разработал серию продуктов «LUX» воеже ветчин
149960 Зельцбаух
119100 Ветчина Деревенская
124290 Шинкен комби
118720 Ветчина Деревенская Плюс
138470 Шинка Крестьянская
142420 Шинка Домашняя
147170 Флорида
148580 Ветчина Пицц
Сырокопченые колбасы Норма «ГОСТ — RU»
благо продуктов «Zaltech» для сырокопченых колбас ГОСТ
152360 Московская
152370 Столичная
152380 Зернистая
152390 Сервелат
152840 Советская
152850 Брауншвейгская
152860 Праздничная
разряд продуктов Zaltech чтобы ливерных колбас
114630 Сметанковый паштет
118270 Паштет с паприкой
118300 Укропный паштет
114640 Грибной паштет
130820 Паштет Ласковый
118280 Паштет Луковый
135220 Паштет коньячный
143500 Паштет Парижский
Сырокопченые деликатесы Традиции домашнего стола
«Zaltech» для производства сырокопченых деликатесов
153690 Шинкеншпек
154040 Карешпек
146910 Рошинкен ХАЛАЛ
127420 Евро шинкеншпек
117180 Евро сырокопченый шпик
Конвениенс продукты и полуфабрикаты
Функциональные продукты дабы шприцевания свежего мяса
«Zaltech» предлагает серию продуктов «Convenience»
152520 Фрешмит лайт
148790 Фрешмит альфа
157350 Фрешмит экономи
160960 Фрешмит экономи S
158570 Фрешмит экономи плюс
153420Чикен комби Гриль
151190 Роаст Чикен
146950Чикен Иньект
Суррогат соевого белка и мяса механический дообвалки
Функциональные продукты чтобы замены соевого белка и МДМ
151170Эмуль Топ Реплейсер
157380 Эмул Топ Реплейсер II
151860Эмул Топ МДМ Реплейсер
ТУ ради производителей колбас
ТУ 9213 -015-87170676-09 - Изделия колбасные вареные
ТУ 9213-419-01597945-07 - Изделия ветчины
ТУ 9213-438 -01597945-08 - Продукты деликатесные из говядины, свинины, баранины и оленины
ТУ 9214-002-93709636-08 - Полуфабрикаты мясные и мясосодержащие кусковые, рубленные
ТУ 9216-005-48772350-04 - Консервы мясные, паштеты
ТУ 9213-004-48772350-01 - Паштеты мясные деликатесные
ТУ 9213-019-87170676-2010 - Колбасные изделия полукопченые и варено-копченые
ТУ 9213-439 -01597945-08 - Продукты деликатесные из мяса птицы
ТУ 9213-010-48772350-05 - Колбасы сырокопченые и сыровяленые

Справочник специй
Е - номера
Ножи и заточные станки
ножи воеже обвалки и жиловки
Ножи воеже обвалки
Профессиональные ножи дабы первичной мясопереработки
Жиловочные ножи
Ножи воеже нарезки
Ножи чтобы рыбы
Мусаты Секачи


Tienda drogas Comprar heroina
Comprar drogas con entrega: Marihuana, cocaina, extasis y mas

El mercado negro de las drogas es una realidad que no podemos ignorar. A pesar de los esfuerzos de las autoridades para combatirlo, la compra y venta de sustancias ilicitas sigue existiendo y evolucionando. Una de las tendencias que ha surgido recientemente es la compra de drogas con entrega, es decir, la posibilidad de adquirir sustancias como marihuana, cocaina, extasis, LSD, metanfetamina, heroina y otras drogas a traves de internet, con la comodidad de recibir el producto en casa.

La oferta de drogas con entrega es variada y cada vez mas accesible. Algunos sitios web ofrecen marihuana de alta calidad, como las variedades Kush y otras semillas de cannabis, que se entregan en paquetes discretos y con absoluta confidencialidad. Otros portales proponen cocaina y extasis, en diferentes presentaciones y con la garantia de que el envio sera seguro y confiable. Tambien es posible encontrar LSD, metanfetamina, heroina y otras drogas, aunque en menor medida, debido a su mayor peligrosidad.

Comprar drogas con entrega tiene sus ventajas e inconvenientes.

Store drugs Buy kush
Are you tired of having to drive to sketchy dealers' houses for your drug fix? Well, have no fear because drug delivery is here! That's right, you can now shop for all your favorite substances online and have them delivered straight to your doorstep.

Let's start with the classics: Cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, methamphetamine, and heroin. Just a few clicks and a short wait, and boom, you're back in business. Want to take a more natural approach? Buy some cannabis, marijuana, hashish, or kush to enjoy the calming effects of mother nature.

But wait, there's more. Want to take matters into your own hands? Look no further than cannabis seeds for all your growing needs. Start your own personal farm and never have to worry about running out of your favorite strain again.

Now I know what you're thinking, is this legal? Well, technically no, but who cares about the law when you can have your favorite drugs delivered right to your door? Just make sure to have your cash ready, because unfortunately, drug dealers don't accept credit cards yet.

In all seriousness though, buying drugs online is not only dangerous and illegal, but it also supports a black market that often fuels violence and exploitation. While some argue that drug legalization and regulation could potentially decrease harm, the current reality is that drug delivery services can put both the buyer and the seller at risk.

Cave Tor Questions
The dark social network scene is nothing new these days, but Cave Tor has taken things to the next level. The site acts as a marketplace, catalog, and forum all in one, catering to the demand for drugs, porn, and cloned cards. Welcome to the Dark Cave.

For those who aren't familiar, the dark web is a part of the internet that isn't indexed by traditional search engines. This world of anonymity and secrecy has spawned numerous marketplaces where you can purchase anything from drugs and weapons to fake IDs and stolen credit cards. And Cave Tor is one of the most notorious.

The site is divided into different sections, with a blog for news and discussion, an archives section for porn photos, and a drugs marketplace for those looking for a high. Users can also ask and answer questions in the forum, with discussions ranging from technical issues to debating the ethics of drug use.

But Cave Tor isn't just about porn and drugs. The marketplace section offers cloned cards, allowing users to make fake purchases with stolen credit card information. It's enough to make any law-abiding citizen's blood boil. And yet, people continue to flock to the site.

The site operates on the Tor network, making it virtually impossible to trace the activities of its users. The deep web ensures anonymity for both buyers and sellers, providing a safe haven for illegal activities. But it's important to remember that the anonymity of the dark web doesn't make illegal activities any less wrong.

Cave Tor has gained not



Exploring the Dark Side: Buying a Cloned Bank Card
The dark corners of the internet are home to a malicious market where criminals trade stolen Visa and Mastercard cards, cloned bank cards, hacked credit cards, and hacked PayPal accounts. The sale and purchase of such stolen information is facilitated by bitcoins and other encrypted payment methods, making it convenient and incredibly difficult to trace the e-transactions back to the buyer or seller. The data, which typically includes the full name of the cardholder, the card number, its CVV or cvv2 code, and expiration date, is known as ‘dumps’ in the hacker world and offers full anonymity to the buyer. In this way, hackers can easily cash out money from a stolen card or sell a cloned card to unsuspecting buyers. To further safeguard themselves, hackers will often provide full anonymity and give buyers the option to pay for an additional service which ensures that a stolen card is linked to a secure PayPal account. Of course, this kind of activity is illegal and should be avoided

Hunt For The Hackers Who Sell Credit Cards

Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 - Price $ 110.00
Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 - Price $ 180.00
Item PayPal Transfers $500 - Price $ 49.00
Item PayPal Transfers $2000 - Price $ 149.00
Item Western Union Transfers $1000 - Price $ 99.00
Item Western Union Transfers $300 - Price $ 249.00

*Prices on the website may vary slightly

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Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 - Price $ 110.00
Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 - Price $ 180.00
Item PayPal Transfers $500 - Price $ 49.00
Item PayPal Transfers $2000 - Price $ 149.00
Item Western Union Transfers $1000 - Price $ 99.00
Item Western Union Transfers $300 - Price $ 249.00

*Prices on the website may vary slightly

Take the Smart Route: Hackers Selling Stolen Cards, Right Now
With the rise of technology and the internet, it is no surprise that the world of cybercrime has also exploded. There are many online stores that offer stolen Visa cards, hacked Mastercard debit cards, hacked PayPal accounts, and other financial items as well as cloned cards and hacked credit cards. Hackers are selling these stolen cards, often through dark web sites and even on digital marketplaces. To cash out the funds from a stolen card, many criminals turn to bitcoin, as it offers anonymity. CCV and dumps are also used to purchase these items anonymously, as well as to purchase the cloned bank cards. It is important to be aware of the dangers of these sites and to always use caution wheneve buying anything online, especially related to stolen cards, hacked accounts, and other illegal items.

Score Cheap Credit Cards on the Dark Internet

https://clonedcardbuy.com Sale Credit cards
Clon Credit cards Market Cloned card

A Shoplifter's Paradise: Hackers Selling Stolen Visa and Mastercard Cards
Buying and selling of stolen Visa and Mastercard cards is big business on the dark internet. Hackers have figured out a way to cash out money from these stolen cards, making it easy for buyers looking to purchase cloned cards. Payment systems such as PayPal are also used to buy and sell these cards, and the anonymous nature of these payments allows buyers to keep their identities and activity safe from prying eyes. While some hackers use cash and bitcoin to buy these stolen cards, there are sites dedicated to selling cvv, cc and dumps for an even larger selection. Depending on what you're looking for and the level of anonymity and anonymity you desire, there are many options available for anyone who wants to buy hacked credit cards or hacked PayPal accounts. Buying stolen cards has many risks and must be done with caution and research.

Buy a Visa or Mastercard from Crooks: Access through the Dark Web

Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 - Price $ 110.00
Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 - Price $ 180.00
Item PayPal Transfers $500 - Price $ 49.00
Item PayPal Transfers $2000 - Price $ 149.00
Item Western Union Transfers $1000 - Price $ 99.00
Item Western Union Transfers $300 - Price $ 249.00

*Prices on the website may vary slightly

Store Cloned cards Store Western Union

Shop Cloned cards Hacked Credit cards


Dark List: What to Watch Out for When Buying a Cloned Bank Card
The sale of stolen Visa and Mastercard cards and hacked PayPal accounts is a growing problem. Many malicious hackers are leveraging the dark corners of the internet to sell these stolen cards, allowing buyers to purchase cloned cards and ccv dumps with full anonymity. These cards usually carry bitcoin balance or other means of money transfer. Buyers can use cloned bank cards to purchase items in-store or online, and use the hacked PayPal accounts to transfer funds illegally. Despite the risk associated with buying such cards, there has been an increase in demand for these products as criminals attempt to cash out money from stolen cards. Unfortunately, the anonymity of the dark internet allows malicious hackers the freedom to abuse and exploit those who are unaware of the sale of such products. It is essential that anyone considering buying hacked cards or PayPal accounts uses extreme caution, to ensure they are not associated with any potential illegal activity.

Exploring the Depths of the Dark Web – Visa & Mastercard

Item 1 Card Total Balance: $3 100 - Price $ 110.00
Item 3 Cards Total Balance ? $9 600 - Price $ 180.00
Item PayPal Transfers $500 - Price $ 49.00
Item PayPal Transfers $2000 - Price $ 149.00
Item Western Union Transfers $1000 - Price $ 99.00
Item Western Union Transfers $300 - Price $ 249.00

*Prices on the website may vary slightly

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